Step into a world of high-octane thrillers where queer women take the lead, break the rules, and fight for justice on their own terms!
If that's your jam, treat yourself to my riveting, edge-of-your-seat novels filled with sharp twists, diverse characters, a touch of humor, and enough grit to leave you breathless.
Happy reading!
Dharma Kelleher

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Click here to read Blood and Fire, a full-length prequel to my groundbreaking Jinx Ballou Bounty Hunter series. It's free and a great place to start.
Three Addictive Crime Series You Can't Put Down
Jinx Ballou Bounty Hunter Series
Meet Jinx Ballou, a tenacious ex-cop turned bounty hunter, pursuing fugitives across...
Shea Stevens Outlaw Biker Series
Ex-con Shea Stevens has tried to put her criminal past behind. But...
Avery Byrne Goth Vigilante Series
Goth tattoo artist Avery Byrne navigates the seedy underbelly of Phoenix, Arizona...
Let customers speak for us
from 35 reviewsThis would make a great series for tv! I can just see it as I read, I truly think it’s time.
I love the way you develop characters and place. You don't force feed all the elements like many authors do, rather you leave room for the person's imagination. Most of all, unlike many others I read or started to read, sex isn't main focus. All too many authors use the genre as what I consider to be porn. While the sex is there, it's in the shadows and the books would be just as good without them. (Those moments are very nice though but they do not drown out the story or the subtle flow of emotions. I've almost finished book three now despite my "newness" to ebook readers and how use them. Well done! I'll be getting more as I'm able. Thank you.
So, Avery’s third book and it’s as good as all the others. There’s always something going on from beginning to end. I loved every word. Cannot wait for the next one. Highly recommended.
A Plague of Grackles is an intense ride from the very first chapter.
At times, it was difficult to read - heart-wrenching with the brutal truth of what it means to be different and under attack in the US. Trans men and women are dying, children are being tortured for trying to live their truth - and the fear is palpable.
Dharma handles it all with grace and understanding - and the ending is beautifully done.
Definitely a story to read and then think about - then read again. "When in doubt, start with love."
People are amazing in so many ways. As a species, we have created great works of art, music and literature. We have eradicated some major illnesses, made life easier and safer in so many ways, we have even ventured into space and put men on the moon. With all these accomplishments, it is so heart-breaking that we have yet to make much progress in conquering our baser faults such as prejudice, malice and greed. These negative attributes are showcased quite dramatically as Avery, ever the outspoken voice for the trans community, dives headfirst into the investigation of an officer-involved shooting death of a friend while also inheriting the roles of coordinator of the Trans March and organizer of the Phoenix Gender Alliance’s booth at an upcoming Pride festival. What could possibly go wrong, you ask? Well, pretty much everything. Grab yourself a copy of this book and settle down for a wild adventure with Avery and her friends that includes kidnapping, flying bullets, violent mobs, and an eye-opening look at the horrendous struggles some people must endure in this so-called “inclusive” society of ours. Within the confines of a compelling action-packed thriller, Dharma Kelleher once again shines a spotlight on some sensitive and divisive topics while portraying with poignancy and compassion the human cost of our short-sightedness.
I was provided with an advance copy of this book, for which I thank the author, but I am sharing my honest and unbiased review on a completely voluntary basis.
This is the third book in Dharma Kelleher’s Avery Byrne series. As with Dharma’s other series the protagonist is a member of the LGBTQ family, in particular she is transgender. If that rules out a book for you, I can only say ‘Your Loss,’ as this an excellent thriller where the main character is trying to protect others who are unjustly persecuted. In this book those are transgender children. Being transgender herself Dharma knows all to well the issues that transgenders face daily and articulates these issues well.
Don’t get me wrong this is not a book written just to highlight LGBTQ issues it is foremost an very well written action thriller that will hold your attention and make you not want to put it down. Avery, like many of Dharma’s characters, has the habit of putting herself in harms way when she sees someone in trouble. That often will lead to harm to her, but she still keeps up her quests.
Note: I am an advance copy reader of Dharma’s and other writers’ books who gets free review copies. I do not let that affect my reviews. I will always say what I think, be it good or bad opinions, about a book.
I've already started my first book and can hardly put it down.Author has a great ability to picture scenes in your head like your almost there.Cant wait to finish these 4 books and get another series She's written.
What can I say about Avery the Avenger that hasn’t been said. I thoroughly enjoyed this book from start to finish, could not put it down. This series is going from strength to strength with every book. The only thing is waiting with bated breath for the next one, even though Amazon says 2/2 we all know there has to be another one, doesn’t there. This series could run and run. Very Highly Recommended.
This is the second story starring Avery Byrne and in timeline takes place shortly after the first one, A Conspiracy of Ravens. If you are not familiar with Avery, she is a young woman who happens to be transgender. I say happens to be because she is much more and while being transgender has deeply affected her life it doesn’t define her.
This story teems with action and suspense, but it is not just a thriller. It is the story of a young woman who has lost people in the past and who is now coming to grip with some fresh losses. Avery wants justice for those she has lost and is willing to face the danger associated with getting that justice. For better or worse she is a 22-year-old who, like so many around that age, doesn’t really accept their vulnerability. This often puts her in harm’s way and worries those who love her.
While this story can stand alone, if you haven’t read the first one it does have some spoilers.
Disclaimer: I got this as an advanced copy for review purposes. I also get books from other authors for reviews but for all of them I tell it like it is in my reviews.
As if Avery Byrne hasn’t endured enough tragedy in her life already, this story finds her still reeling from the death of her girlfriend when two more of her friends die under suspicious circumstances. While the police are content with labeling their deaths as accidental overdoses, Avery knows in her gut that something more sinister is at play. ‘Avery the Avenger’ is on the case. Her quest for the whole truth of what happened leads her down a twisted and dangerous path that includes corporate espionage, domestic violence, and murder. This is one of those stories that just won’t let you put the book down. I love the unique characters with all their personal foibles, the well-considered plot that keeps you guessing, and the overall attention to detail that draws you into the story so completely that you can see everything unfold in your mind as clearly as watching a good movie. This one definitely belongs on the “must read” list of anyone enjoying a good vigilante thriller.
If you like incredible, fast-paced, non-stop action, a great plot, amazing characters and a satisfying resolution, you have chosen the right book with this one. This is a unique and stunning series featuring a truly engaging character, a bounty hunter named Jinx Ballou, whose sense of commitment to justice for all people (marginalized or mainstream) is inspirational. I have enjoyed each book in the series but I will say that this story is exceptional. It has the action, it has the suspense, it has the grit and excitement I have come to expect from this author, but this story really makes you stop and think about where we are headed as a so-called “woke” society. This story has heart. Lots of heart.
I was provided with an advance copy of this book, for which I thank the author, but I am sharing my honest and unbiased review on a completely voluntary basis.
Well I have to say I have not read any of Jinx’s novels before, something I am now sorely regretting. Because this one is a little cracker with something going on from the first page to the last. This is one hell of an author who writes very good stories that’s for sure. Highly recommended
Some authors write books that you enjoy reading but forget about as soon as finished. Some write books that you like and say that was a good read. Some write books that you finish and pick back up tk read again. Dharma’s ‘Red Market’ falls into the later group.
I got this book as a free advanced copy for people who review books. This book like a well-made movie keeps you engrossed and entertained when you read it. It has characters that are fully developed, not just cutouts to take up space and plenty of action, suspense and pathos to flesh it out. It doesn’t hurt that Dharma is able to weave to story around to plot lines. There is the main plot where Jinx, the main character, tries to solve a mystery and the subplot about the horrible treatment of transgenders, specially young ones, by many in todays world. The fact that Dharma is transgender gives her a powerful self-history that she uses when building her trans and other LGBTQ characters. If you are one of those haters, you should read this to maybe get a glimpse of what your hate does to others. Or maybe not in case it would like horse and water for you.
Oh and like I said about reading some books twice, this one I did. The first time to just enjoy the story and the second time get all the nuances of the story that were missed because of enjoying the story too much.
Once again, Dharma gives us a story with action, adventure, and SO MUCH heart. A brilliant weaving of fiction and fact that have you feeling every twist. Grab this one -you don't want to miss Jinx's adventures!

Meet Dharma Kelleher
I grew up reading crime novels by Lawrence Block, Sara Paretsky, and Sue Grafton. I loved the stories, the gritty characters and the fast-paced action.
After I came out as transgender, I read queer mysteries by Katherine V. Forrest, Ellen Hart, and others.
I realized I wanted to write action-packed stories of crime and justice, but featuring protagonists like me.
Since then, I've published a dozen crime thrillers about queer women who kick ass with many more to come.
If issues of representation, diversity, and justice are important to you, curl up with one of my thrillers. You won't regret it.